PGH Member Polls

Posted on 30 September 2011

In the October 11th weekly video update from me, I’ll be announcing our first poll.

I’ll be doing these fairly often(every week or two) for two reasons.

One, to find out what is of keen interest to you. What you really want to know more about.  What Pop Pioneers want to see here that’s not here, at the moment.

Remember, this is an evolving, every-changing informational platform.  That happens with input from you – so please respond to the surveys when they are ‘released’.

Two, many of them are going to be geek stuff.  We’ll be asking questions and getting answer to questions we all want to know about.  Favorite power pop albums of all time, first live show ever attended, your first album purchase, what do we think about “XXX”(insert artist with a new album out) new album?

That kind of thing.

Please submit your ideas below for questions you’d like to see asked amongst the community here — It will be always interesting find out what others are thinking and are interested in.

8 Responses to “PGH Member Polls”

  1. Matthias Heimann says:

    Hey Bruce, it would be nice to have some fancy stuff in the survey like: What would be your all-time Power-Pop supergroup? Who will be in the “Traveling Wilburys of Power-Pop”?! 🙂

    • dudeman says:

      NICE angle w/ the WIlburys idea — it’s a discussion that that, if it finds any traction, that can lead musicians thinking about getting a group like that together…..I love that idea!! It is…formally noted!

  2. Jonathan Serbst says:

    It would be great to have an area/board where we power pop musicians might find that elusive like-minded guitarist or bass player here in Rhode Island (or Florida or Idaho….) to complete our band! Craigslist just isn’t that helpful as it should be…

    • dudeman says:

      Hmmmm…..had not thought of that, Jonathan. I DO want to launch a forum here eventually – and not too far off. But I kind want things to find their footing a bit, work out the kinks….then have a formal discussion, maybe on a webinar with folks and see how much genuine interest there is in a forum…get everyone ‘on board’ so when it turns on, folks are jumping in and using it.

      Nothing worse than launching a forum that no one using. I have already designed the basics of it and it could be ready fairly quickly – (i’ll be looking for a moderator or two from PGH – THAT is a must – I would not have the time to do that, I’m afraid)

      But the idea of having something set up for musicians is a good one – these days, though, hooking up others in different states and working digitally can be an interesting way to write and create. There were quite a few projects on the Not Lame site the last five years that were conceived, gestated and birthed this way…..

      • Dave Ambrose says:

        Just want to ++1 Jonathan’s idea! As a songwriter, I’ve found that one of the most important things when putting together a band is finding players who “get it”. PGH seems like a perfect place to connect with other musicians who really understand and enjoy the same music that influences me. I say front-burner that one Bruce! 🙂

        • dudeman says:

          I’ll need to get more input from guys like you and Jonathan, Dave – and others. What are you looking for? Looking to avoid? The Longer the list, the better w/ the specifics…..I’ll start pondering, chewing and figure it out.

  3. Phil Dove says:

    OK Bruce, here’s an idea – what about 14 solo Beatles songs that could have made it onto a Beatles album. Could also do a similar exercise with Jellyfish?